Undergrad Exec


    If you or anyone you know is interested in AGR, please contact one of the Brothers below:


    Chapter Advisor    

    Tom Stovall

    Phone: (770) 235-3335

    Email: tomstovall@bellsouth.net

    Watkinsville, GA


  • VNR Operations

    Ben Comfort "1706"

    Phone: (336) 404-0713

    Email: benc30@icloud.com

    Greensboro, NC

    VNR Finance

    Miles Martin "1690"

    Phone: (912) 314-4148

    Email: Mem870@gmail.com

    Metter, GA

    VNR Planning

    Jared Pringle "1717"

    Phone: (706) 614-0732

    Email: jlpringle26@gmail.com

    Crawford, GA